In the village Kali Vrysi of Drama the ancient spirit is alive. The god Dionysus was the god of fruitfulness, pleasure, the vine and the theater. Son of a chthonian goddess, Semele, and the heavenly god Zeus, the fruit of an illicit relationship, because of which he fled to Thrace where he grew up.
He was worshiped in this region with a special passion because he gave man hope and the divine fury to exceed his limits. Proof of this cult that existed in the area is the temple of the god Dionysos that was discovered 2 km outside of Kali Vrysi.
The Babugeras in their impressive and imposing form pour out into the streets after the Consecration of the waters and strike the people with the bag of ashes they hold in their hand to exorcise evil.
The mask made from animal skins is in the form of a goat which symbolizes the animal that has the power of life.Also bells belted around the waist make a sound to wake up nature. Finally, the hump placed back on the back symbolizes the old Babbo who has yielded the fruits of life (the offspring).
The Babugera during the time of Dionysus, were satyrs followers of the god Dionysus where they reveled in a carefree life of wine and feasting. Bell bearers make their presence felt in all historical periods throughout the centuries. It is also said that these were used by Alexander the Great in his campaigns in order to scare away the elephants of the king of Persia by the sound of the bells. Also, during Turkish rule, no Turkish tax collector set foot in Kali Vrysi to collect the so-called tax-tax of the Greeks to the Turks because the wild Babougeras appeared and terrorized them, causing them to flee.